Weapon List

Type Damage
default 0

Name: no weapon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 0

Name: missiles
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 2400
armcom 600
corcom 600
armdecom 600
cordecom 600
talcom 600

Name: atomic blast weapon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 1200
armcom 300
corcom 300
armdecom 300
cordecom 300
talcom 300

Name: atomic blast weapon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 28800

Name: commander explosion
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 640
corpyro 40
correap 40
corfh 40
armcom 160
corcom 160
armdecom 160
cordecom 160
talcom 160

Name: pyro blast
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 2400

Name: crawling bomb
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 1200

Name: wimpy crawling bomb
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 14400
armcom 3600
corcom 3600
armdecom 3600
cordecom 3600
talcom 3600

Name: crawling nuclear bomb
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 7200
armcom 1800
corcom 1800
armdecom 1800
cordecom 1800
talcom 1800

Name: wimpy crawling nuclear bomb
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 1800
armcom 450
corcom 450
armdecom 450
cordecom 450
talcom 450

Name: crush of death
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 9600
armcom 2400
corcom 2400
armdecom 2400
cordecom 2400
talcom 2400

Name: nuclear building blast
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 4800
armcom 1200
corcom 1200
armdecom 1200
cordecom 1200
talcom 1200

Name: sub nuclear building blast
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 2400
armcom 600
corcom 600
armdecom 600
cordecom 600
talcom 600

Name: crush of death 2
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 9600
armcom 2400
corcom 2400
armdecom 2400
cordecom 2400
talcom 2400

Name: nuclear unit blast
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 4800
armcom 1200
corcom 1200
armdecom 1200
cordecom 1200
talcom 1200

Name: sub nuclear unit blast
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 3600
armcom 900
corcom 900
armdecom 900
cordecom 900
talcom 900

Name: sub nuclear blast
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 2400
armcom 600
corcom 600
armdecom 600
cordecom 600
talcom 600

Name: atomic blast
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 1800
armcom 450
corcom 450
armdecom 450
cordecom 450
talcom 450

Name: sub atomic blast
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 28800
armcom 7200
corcom 7200
armdecom 7200
cordecom 7200
talcom 7200

Name: forge/shaper explosion
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 5000
armcom 1250
corcom 1250
armdecom 1250
cordecom 1250
talcom 1250

Name: annihilator weapon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 2400
armcom 600
corcom 600
armdecom 600
cordecom 600
talcom 600

Name: doomsday weapon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1200
armcom 300
corcom 300
armdecom 300
cordecom 300
talcom 300

Name: annihilator weapon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1600
armcom 400
corcom 400
armdecom 400
cordecom 400
talcom 400

Name: high energy laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 4800
armcom 1200
corcom 1200
armdecom 1200
cordecom 1200
talcom 1200

Name: annihilator weapon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 2500
armcom 625
corcom 625
armdecom 625
cordecom 625
talcom 625

Name: mobile annihilator weapon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 768
armcom 192
corcom 192
armdecom 192
cordecom 192
talcom 192

Name: laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 768
armcom 192
corcom 192
armdecom 192
cordecom 192
talcom 192

Name: laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 180

Name: bombs
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 240

Name: advanced bombs
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 7200
armcom 1800
corcom 1800
armdecom 1800
cordecom 1800
talcom 1800

Name: cruise missile
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 480
armcom 120
corcom 120
armdecom 120
cordecom 120
talcom 120
armca 30
armpeep 30
armfig 30
armthund 30
armatlas 30
corca 30
corfink 30
corveng 30
corshad 30
corvalk 30
armaca 30
armawac 30
armhawk 30
armpnix 30
armbrawl 30
armlance 30
armhook 30
armcsa 30
armsehak 30
armsfig 30
armseap 30
coraca 30
corawac 30
corvamp 30
corhurc 30
corape 30
cortitan 30
corcsa 30
corhunt 30
corsfig 30
corseap 30
armsbomber 30
armlift 30
armnomad 30
armsfoil 30
cormuat 30
corskynet 30
corshock 30
armmuat 30
armwing 30
corlift 30
corvind 30
coruca 30
talca 30
talscoutp 30
talfgt 30
talbmb 30
taltplane 30
talaca 30
talspyp 30
talintcpt 30
talabmb 30
taldrops 30
talgunship 30
talmedic 30
taltrpbmb 30
talcsa 30
talspsonar 30
talspfgt 30
talspbmb 30
talspgs 30
taldronefrigate 30
talfcar 30
talscives 30
talms 30

Name: shockwave blast
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 60

Name: light artillery cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 180

Name: medium artillery cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 180

Name: arm primary battlecruiser cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 180

Name: arm secondary battlecruiser cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 180

Name: core primary battlecruiser cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 800

Name: behemoth plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 14400
armcom 3600
corcom 3600
armdecom 3600
cordecom 3600
talcom 3600

Name: b.f.g. antimatter cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 300

Name: bulldog plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 480

Name: victory battleship cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 500

Name: tyrant battleship cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 50

Name: fido burst plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 270

Name: flagship battlecruiser cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 2000
armcom 500
corcom 500
armdecom 500
cordecom 500
talcom 500

Name: arm flagship primary cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 2400
armcom 600
corcom 600
armdecom 600
cordecom 600
talcom 600

Name: core flagship primary cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 320

Name: gargant medium range plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 600

Name: goliath plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 1000
armcom 250
corcom 250
armdecom 250
cordecom 250
talcom 250

Name: big bertha plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 1200
armcom 300
corcom 300
armdecom 300
cordecom 300
talcom 300

Name: intimidator plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 640

Name: centurion plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 60

Name: morty artillery cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 320

Name: medium range plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 500
armcom 125
corcom 125
armdecom 125
cordecom 125
talcom 125

Name: mobile long range plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 19200
armcom 4800
corcom 4800
armdecom 4800
cordecom 4800
talcom 4800

Name: olympus plasma cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 600
armcom 150
corcom 150
armdecom 150
cordecom 150
talcom 150

Name: overlord plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 600
armcom 150
corcom 150
armdecom 150
cordecom 150
talcom 150

Name: rancor plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 225

Name: destroyer plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 500
armcom 125
corcom 125
armdecom 125
cordecom 125
talcom 125

Name: mobile long range plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 320

Name: heavy burst plasma cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 120

Name: light tank plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 180

Name: medium tank plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 120

Name: warrior plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 7200
armcom 1800
corcom 1800
armdecom 1800
cordecom 1800
talcom 1800

Name: armageddon plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 9600
armcom 2400
corcom 2400
armdecom 2400
cordecom 2400
talcom 2400

Name: dictator plasma cannon
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 300

Name: decoy commander explosion
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 120

Name: decoy disintegrator
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 120
armcom 480
corcom 480
armdecom 480
cordecom 480
talcom 480
armatl 480
armuwboost 480
armuwcheat 480
armuwes 480
armuwfus 480
armuwmex 480
armuwmfus 480
armuwmmm 480
armuwmoho 480
armuwms 480
coratl 480
coruwboost 480
coruwcheat 480
coruwes 480
coruwfus 480
coruwmex 480
coruwmfus 480
coruwmmm 480
coruwmoho 480
coruwms 480
armacsub 480
armbsub 480
armscram 480
armssub 480
armsub 480
armsubk 480
armtsub 480
coracsub 480
corbsub 480
corshark 480
corsub 480
armason 480
armnsub 480
armplat 480
corfmkr 480
corplat 480
corssub 480
armah 30
armanac 30
armch 30
armhcar 30
armlh 30
armmh 30
armsh 30
armthovr 30
corah 30
corch 30
corfh 30
corhcar 30
cormh 30
corsh 30
corsnap 30
corthovr 30
armamph 30
armcroc 480
corseal 480
coramph 480

Name: depth charge
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 120
armcom 480
corcom 480
armdecom 480
cordecom 480
talcom 480
armatl 480
armuwboost 480
armuwcheat 480
armuwes 480
armuwfus 480
armuwmex 480
armuwmfus 480
armuwmmm 480
armuwmoho 480
armuwms 480
coratl 480
coruwboost 480
coruwcheat 480
coruwes 480
coruwfus 480
coruwmex 480
coruwmfus 480
coruwmmm 480
coruwmoho 480
coruwms 480
armacsub 480
armbsub 480
armscram 480
armssub 480
armsub 480
armsubk 480
armtsub 480
coracsub 480
corbsub 480
corshark 480
corsub 480
armason 480
armnsub 480
armplat 480
corfmkr 480
corplat 480
corssub 480
armah 30
armanac 30
armch 30
armhcar 30
armlh 30
armmh 30
armsh 30
armthovr 30
corah 30
corch 30
corfh 30
corhcar 30
cormh 30
corsh 30
corsnap 30
corthovr 30
armamph 30
armcroc 480
corseal 480
coramph 480

Name: depth charge
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 30000

Name: disintegrator
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 8
armolympus 32
cormkl 32
armflag 32
corflag 32

Name: e.m.g.
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 8
armolympus 32
cormkl 32
armflag 32
corflag 32

Name: emg burst
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 16
armolympus 64
cormkl 64
armflag 64
corflag 64

Name: e.m.g.
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 6
armolympus 24
cormkl 24
armflag 24
corflag 24

Name: mg burst
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 12
armolympus 48
cormkl 48
armflag 48
corflag 48

Name: warrior e.m.g.
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0
armca 480
armpeep 480
armfig 480
armthund 480
armatlas 480
corca 480
corfink 480
corveng 480
corshad 480
corvalk 480
armaca 480
armawac 480
armhawk 480
armpnix 480
armbrawl 480
armlance 480
armhook 480
armcsa 480
armsehak 480
armsfig 480
armseap 480
coraca 480
corawac 480
corvamp 480
corhurc 480
corape 480
cortitan 480
corcsa 480
corhunt 480
corsfig 480
corseap 480
armsbomber 480
armlift 480
armnomad 480
armsfoil 480
cormuat 480
corskynet 480
corshock 480
armmuat 480
armwing 480
corlift 480
corvind 480
coruca 480
talca 480
talscoutp 480
talfgt 480
talbmb 480
taltplane 480
talaca 480
talspyp 480
talintcpt 480
talabmb 480
taldrops 480
talgunship 480
talmedic 480
taltrpbmb 480
talcsa 480
talspsonar 480
talspfgt 480
talspbmb 480
talspgs 480
taldronefrigate 480
talfcar 480
talscives 480
talms 480

Name: flak cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0
armca 480
armpeep 480
armfig 480
armthund 480
armatlas 480
corca 480
corfink 480
corveng 480
corshad 480
corvalk 480
armaca 480
armawac 480
armhawk 480
armpnix 480
armbrawl 480
armlance 480
armhook 480
armcsa 480
armsehak 480
armsfig 480
armseap 480
coraca 480
corawac 480
corvamp 480
corhurc 480
corape 480
cortitan 480
corcsa 480
corhunt 480
corsfig 480
corseap 480
armsbomber 480
armlift 480
armnomad 480
armsfoil 480
cormuat 480
corskynet 480
corshock 480
armmuat 480
armwing 480
corlift 480
corvind 480
coruca 480
talca 480
talscoutp 480
talfgt 480
talbmb 480
taltplane 480
talaca 480
talspyp 480
talintcpt 480
talabmb 480
taldrops 480
talgunship 480
talmedic 480
taltrpbmb 480
talcsa 480
talspsonar 480
talspfgt 480
talspbmb 480
talspgs 480
taldronefrigate 480
talfcar 480
talscives 480
talms 480

Name: half flak cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0
armca 120
armpeep 120
armfig 120
armthund 120
armatlas 120
corca 120
corfink 120
corveng 120
corshad 120
corvalk 120
armaca 120
armawac 120
armhawk 120
armpnix 120
armbrawl 120
armlance 120
armhook 120
armcsa 120
armsehak 120
armsfig 120
armseap 120
coraca 120
corawac 120
corvamp 120
corhurc 120
corape 120
cortitan 120
corcsa 120
corhunt 120
corsfig 120
corseap 120
armsbomber 120
armlift 120
armnomad 120
armsfoil 120
cormuat 120
corskynet 120
corshock 120
armmuat 120
armwing 120
corlift 120
corvind 120
coruca 120
talca 120
talscoutp 120
talfgt 120
talbmb 120
taltplane 120
talaca 120
talspyp 120
talintcpt 120
talabmb 120
taldrops 120
talgunship 120
talmedic 120
taltrpbmb 120
talcsa 120
talspsonar 120
talspfgt 120
talspbmb 120
talspgs 120
taldronefrigate 120
talfcar 120
talscives 120
talms 120

Name: flak cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 8
corpyro 2
correap 2
corfh 2
talflamer 2
armolympus 32
cormkl 32
armflag 32
corflag 32

Name: flame thrower
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 20
corpyro 5
correap 5
corfh 5
talflamer 5
armolympus 80
cormkl 80
armflag 80
corflag 80

Name: incinerator rear flame thrower
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 12
corpyro 3
correap 3
corfh 3
talflamer 3
armolympus 48
cormkl 48
armflag 48
corflag 48

Name: flame thrower
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 20
corpyro 5
correap 5
corfh 5
talflamer 5
armolympus 80
cormkl 80
armflag 80
corflag 80

Name: flamethrower
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 10
corpyro 4
correap 4
corfh 4
talflamer 4
armolympus 40
cormkl 40
armflag 40
corflag 40

Name: flame thrower
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 160

Name: cruiser gauss
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 720
armdread 180
cordread 180
armflag 180
corflag 180
armolympus 180
cormkl 180
armcrab 180

Name: ultra gauss cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 420

Name: advanced gauss
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 480
armdread 120
cordread 120
armflag 120
corflag 120
armolympus 120
cormkl 120
armcrab 120

Name: experimental gauss weapon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 240

Name: stratus vulcan gauss
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 180

Name: high energy laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 90

Name: j7 laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 90

Name: advanced deck laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 180

Name: high energy laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 45

Name: laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 30

Name: laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 270

Name: high energy laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 60

Name: light laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 60

Name: laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 225

Name: high energy laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 270

Name: high energy laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 60

Name: light laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 30

Name: laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 40

Name: laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 360

Name: high energy laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 6
armolympus 24
cormkl 24
armflag 24
corflag 24

Name: laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 225

Name: heavy lightning gun
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 300

Name: lightning gun
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 120

Name: lightning gun
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 600
armmlv 150
cormlv 150
armmine1 2
armmine2 2
armmine3 2
armmine4 2
armmine5 2
armmine6 2
cormine1 2
cormine2 2
cormine3 2
cormine4 2
cormine5 2
cormine6 2
tal3jam 2
tal3mine1 2
tal3mine2 2
tal3mine3 2
tal3nuke 2
tal3trap 2

Name: level 1 mine
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 2400
armmlv 600
cormlv 600
armmine1 2
armmine2 2
armmine3 2
armmine4 2
armmine5 2
armmine6 2
cormine1 2
cormine2 2
cormine3 2
cormine4 2
cormine5 2
cormine6 2
tal3jam 2
tal3mine1 2
tal3mine2 2
tal3mine3 2
tal3nuke 2
tal3trap 2

Name: heavy mine
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 900
armmanni 300
corsumo 300
armbats 300
corbats 300
armmbt 120
corbeh 120
armmlv 0
cormlv 0
armmine1 0
armmine2 0
armmine3 0
armmine4 0
armmine5 0
armmine6 0
cormine1 0
cormine2 0
cormine3 0
cormine4 0
cormine5 0
cormine6 0
tal3jam 0
tal3mine1 0
tal3mine2 0
tal3mine3 0
tal3nuke 0
tal3trap 0

Name: stun mine
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 7200
armspy 0
corspy 0
armmlv 0
cormlv 0
armmine1 0
armmine2 0
armmine3 0
armmine4 0
armmine5 0
armmine6 0
cormine1 0
cormine2 0
cormine3 0
cormine4 0
cormine5 0
cormine6 0
tal3jam 0
tal3mine1 0
tal3mine2 0
tal3mine3 0
tal3nuke 0
tal3trap 0

Name: sabotage mine
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 1
armca 240
armpeep 240
armfig 240
armthund 240
armatlas 240
corca 240
corfink 240
corveng 240
corshad 240
corvalk 240
armaca 240
armawac 240
armhawk 240
armpnix 240
armbrawl 240
armlance 240
armhook 240
armcsa 240
armsehak 240
armsfig 240
armseap 240
coraca 240
corawac 240
corvamp 240
corhurc 240
corape 240
cortitan 240
corcsa 240
corhunt 240
corsfig 240
corseap 240
armsbomber 240
armlift 240
armnomad 240
armsfoil 240
cormuat 240
corskynet 240
corshock 240
armmuat 240
armwing 240
corlift 240
corvind 240
coruca 240
talca 240
talscoutp 240
talfgt 240
talbmb 240
taltplane 240
talaca 240
talspyp 240
talintcpt 240
talabmb 240
taldrops 240
talgunship 240
talmedic 240
taltrpbmb 240
talcsa 240
talspsonar 240
talspfgt 240
talspbmb 240
talspgs 240
taldronefrigate 240
talfcar 240
talscives 240
talms 240

Name: missiles
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1
armca 480
armpeep 480
armfig 480
armthund 480
armatlas 480
corca 480
corfink 480
corveng 480
corshad 480
corvalk 480
armaca 480
armawac 480
armhawk 480
armpnix 480
armbrawl 480
armlance 480
armhook 480
armcsa 480
armsehak 480
armsfig 480
armseap 480
coraca 480
corawac 480
corvamp 480
corhurc 480
corape 480
cortitan 480
corcsa 480
corhunt 480
corsfig 480
corseap 480
armsbomber 480
armlift 480
armnomad 480
armsfoil 480
cormuat 480
corskynet 480
corshock 480
armmuat 480
armwing 480
corlift 480
corvind 480
coruca 480
talca 480
talscoutp 480
talfgt 480
talbmb 480
taltplane 480
talaca 480
talspyp 480
talintcpt 480
talabmb 480
taldrops 480
talgunship 480
talmedic 480
taltrpbmb 480
talcsa 480
talspsonar 480
talspfgt 480
talspbmb 480
talspgs 480
taldronefrigate 480
talfcar 480
talscives 480
talms 480

Name: missiles
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1
armca 600
armpeep 600
armfig 600
armthund 600
armatlas 600
corca 600
corfink 600
corveng 600
corshad 600
corvalk 600
armaca 600
armawac 600
armhawk 600
armpnix 600
armbrawl 600
armlance 600
armhook 600
armcsa 600
armsehak 600
armsfig 600
armseap 600
coraca 600
corawac 600
corvamp 600
corhurc 600
corape 600
cortitan 600
corcsa 600
corhunt 600
corsfig 600
corseap 600
armsbomber 600
armlift 600
armnomad 600
armsfoil 600
cormuat 600
corskynet 600
corshock 600
armmuat 600
armwing 600
corlift 600
corvind 600
coruca 600
talca 600
talscoutp 600
talfgt 600
talbmb 600
taltplane 600
talaca 600
talspyp 600
talintcpt 600
talabmb 600
taldrops 600
talgunship 600
talmedic 600
taltrpbmb 600
talcsa 600
talspsonar 600
talspfgt 600
talspbmb 600
talspgs 600
taldronefrigate 600
talfcar 600
talscives 600
talms 600

Name: missiles
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1
armca 750
armpeep 750
armfig 750
armthund 750
armatlas 750
corca 750
corfink 750
corveng 750
corshad 750
corvalk 750
armaca 750
armawac 750
armhawk 750
armpnix 750
armbrawl 750
armlance 750
armhook 750
armcsa 750
armsehak 750
armsfig 750
armseap 750
coraca 750
corawac 750
corvamp 750
corhurc 750
corape 750
cortitan 750
corcsa 750
corhunt 750
corsfig 750
corseap 750
armsbomber 750
armlift 750
armnomad 750
armsfoil 750
cormuat 750
corskynet 750
corshock 750
armmuat 750
armwing 750
corlift 750
corvind 750
coruca 750
talca 750
talscoutp 750
talfgt 750
talbmb 750
taltplane 750
talaca 750
talspyp 750
talintcpt 750
talabmb 750
taldrops 750
talgunship 750
talmedic 750
taltrpbmb 750
talcsa 750
talspsonar 750
talspfgt 750
talspbmb 750
talspgs 750
taldronefrigate 750
talfcar 750
talscives 750
talms 750

Name: missiles
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1
armca 120
armpeep 120
armfig 120
armthund 120
armatlas 120
corca 120
corfink 120
corveng 120
corshad 120
corvalk 120
armaca 120
armawac 120
armhawk 120
armpnix 120
armbrawl 120
armlance 120
armhook 120
armcsa 120
armsehak 120
armsfig 120
armseap 120
coraca 120
corawac 120
corvamp 120
corhurc 120
corape 120
cortitan 120
corcsa 120
corhunt 120
corsfig 120
corseap 120
armsbomber 120
armbulk 120
armnomad 120
armsfoil 120
cormuat 120
corskynet 120
corshock 120
armmuat 120
armwing 120
corlift 120
corvind 120
coruca 120
talca 120
talscoutp 120
talfgt 120
talbmb 120
taltplane 120
talaca 120
talspyp 120
talintcpt 120
talabmb 120
taldrops 120
talgunship 120
talmedic 120
taltrpbmb 120
talcsa 120
talspsonar 120
talspfgt 120
talspbmb 120
talspgs 120
taldronefrigate 120
talfcar 120
talscives 120
talms 120

Name: missiles
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1
armca 600
armpeep 600
armfig 600
armthund 600
armatlas 600
corca 600
corfink 600
corveng 600
corshad 600
corvalk 600
armaca 600
armawac 600
armhawk 600
armpnix 600
armbrawl 600
armlance 600
armhook 600
armcsa 600
armsehak 600
armsfig 600
armseap 600
coraca 600
corawac 600
corvamp 600
corhurc 600
corape 600
cortitan 600
corcsa 600
corhunt 600
corsfig 600
corseap 600
armsbomber 600
armlift 600
armnomad 600
armsfoil 600
cormuat 600
corskynet 600
corshock 600
armmuat 600
armwing 600
corlift 600
corvind 600
coruca 600
talca 600
talscoutp 600
talfgt 600
talbmb 600
taltplane 600
talaca 600
talspyp 600
talintcpt 600
talabmb 600
taldrops 600
talgunship 600
talmedic 600
taltrpbmb 600
talcsa 600
talspsonar 600
talspfgt 600
talspbmb 600
talspgs 600
taldronefrigate 600
talfcar 600
talscives 600
talms 600

Name: guided missiles
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1
armca 720
armpeep 720
armfig 720
armthund 720
armatlas 720
corca 720
corfink 720
corveng 720
corshad 720
corvalk 720
armaca 720
armawac 720
armhawk 720
armpnix 720
armbrawl 720
armlance 720
armhook 720
armcsa 720
armsehak 720
armsfig 720
armseap 720
coraca 720
corawac 720
corvamp 720
corhurc 720
corape 720
cortitan 720
corcsa 720
corhunt 720
corsfig 720
corseap 720
armsbomber 720
armlift 720
armnomad 720
armsfoil 720
cormuat 720
corskynet 720
corshock 720
armmuat 720
armwing 720
corlift 720
corvind 720
coruca 720
talca 720
talscoutp 720
talfgt 720
talbmb 720
taltplane 720
talaca 720
talspyp 720
talintcpt 720
talabmb 720
taldrops 720
talgunship 720
talmedic 720
taltrpbmb 720
talcsa 720
talspsonar 720
talspfgt 720
talspbmb 720
talspgs 720
taldronefrigate 720
talfcar 720
talscives 720
talms 720

Name: guided missiles
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1
armca 720
armpeep 720
armfig 720
armthund 720
armatlas 720
corca 720
corfink 720
corveng 720
corshad 720
corvalk 720
armaca 720
armawac 720
armhawk 720
armpnix 720
armbrawl 720
armlance 720
armhook 720
armcsa 720
armsehak 720
armsfig 720
armseap 720
coraca 720
corawac 720
corvamp 720
corhurc 720
corape 720
cortitan 720
corcsa 720
corhunt 720
corsfig 720
corseap 720
armsbomber 720
armlift 720
armnomad 720
armsfoil 720
cormuat 720
corskynet 720
corshock 720
armmuat 720
armwing 720
corlift 720
corvind 720
coruca 720
talca 720
talscoutp 720
talfgt 720
talbmb 720
taltplane 720
talaca 720
talspyp 720
talintcpt 720
talabmb 720
taldrops 720
talgunship 720
talmedic 720
taltrpbmb 720
talcsa 720
talspsonar 720
talspfgt 720
talspbmb 720
talspgs 720
taldronefrigate 720
talfcar 720
talscives 720
talms 720

Name: guided missiles
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 450

Name: c.o.r.e. heavy rockets
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 3600
armcom 900
corcom 900
armdecom 900
cordecom 900
talcom 900

Name: super laser
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 2400
armolympus 0
cormkl 0
armdread 0
cordread 0
armflag 0
corflag 0
armcrab 0
armulab 0
corulab 0

Name: stomp crush
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 50

Name: earthquake
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 500

Name: gas bag
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 50

Name: hail storm
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 100

Name: meteor
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 50
corpyro 0
correap 0
corfh 0
talflamer 0

Name: burning bush
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 100
corpyro 0
correap 0
corfh 0
talflamer 0

Name: burning tree
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 28800
armcom 7200
corcom 7200
armdecom 7200
cordecom 7200
talcom 7200

Name: strategic nuclear missile
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 28800
armcom 7200
corcom 7200
armdecom 7200
cordecom 7200
talcom 7200

Name: strategic nuclear missile
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 14400
armcom 3600
corcom 3600
armdecom 3600
cordecom 3600
talcom 3600

Name: operational nuclear missile
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 14400
armcom 3600
corcom 3600
armdecom 3600
cordecom 3600
talcom 3600

Name: operational nuclear missile
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 7200
armcom 1800
corcom 1800
armdecom 1800
cordecom 1800
talcom 1800

Name: tactical nuclear missile
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 7200
armcom 1800
corcom 1800
armdecom 1800
cordecom 1800
talcom 1800

Name: tactical nuclear missile
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 2400
armcom 600
corcom 600
armdecom 600
cordecom 600
talcom 600

Name: tactical nuclear missile
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 180
armmanni 60
corsumo 60
armbats 60
corbats 60
armmbt 30
corbeh 30

Name: paralyzer
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 300
armmanni 120
corsumo 120
armbats 120
corbats 120
armmbt 60
corbeh 60

Name: heavy paralyzer
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 300
armmanni 120
corsumo 120
armbats 120
corbats 120
armmbt 60
corbeh 60

Name: heavy paralyzer
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 5

Name: range ring
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 5

Name: range ring
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 5

Name: range ring
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 5

Name: range ring
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 5

Name: range ring
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 5

Name: range ring
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 5

Name: range ring
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 270

Name: heavy riot cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 480

Name: heavy riot cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 2400
armcom 600
corcom 600
armdecom 600
cordecom 600
talcom 600

Name: exp. riot cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 240
corlevlr 60

Name: riot cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 120

Name: heavy riot cannon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 320

Name: experimental rockets
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 120

Name: rockets
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 400

Name: mrls heavy rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 108

Name: rockets
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 384

Name: experimental rockets
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 100

Name: rockets
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 15
armolympus 60
cormkl 60
armflag 60
corflag 60

Name: mini burst rockets
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 480
armcom 960
corcom 960
armdecom 960
cordecom 960
talcom 960
armatl 1920
armuwboost 1920
armuwcheat 1920
armuwes 1920
armuwfus 1920
armuwmex 1920
armuwmfus 1920
armuwmmm 1920
armuwmoho 1920
armuwms 1920
coratl 1920
coruwboost 1920
coruwcheat 1920
coruwes 1920
coruwfus 1920
coruwmex 1920
coruwmfus 1920
coruwmmm 1920
coruwmoho 1920
coruwms 1920
armacsub 1920
armbsub 1920
armscram 1920
armssub 1920
armsub 1920
armsubk 1920
armtsub 1920
coracsub 1920
corbsub 1920
corshark 1920
corsub 1920
armason 1920
armnsub 1920
armplat 1920
corfmkr 1920
corplat 1920
corssub 1920
armah 120
armanac 120
armch 120
armhcar 120
armlh 120
armmh 120
armsh 240
armthovr 120
corah 120
corch 120
corfh 120
corhcar 120
cormh 120
corsh 120
corsnap 120
corthovr 120
armamph 120
armcroc 1920
corseal 1920
coramph 1920

Name: unguided torpedo
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 480
armcom 960
corcom 960
armdecom 960
cordecom 960
talcom 960
armatl 1920
armuwboost 1920
armuwcheat 1920
armuwes 1920
armuwfus 1920
armuwmex 1920
armuwmfus 1920
armuwmmm 1920
armuwmoho 1920
armuwms 1920
coratl 1920
coruwboost 1920
coruwcheat 1920
coruwes 1920
coruwfus 1920
coruwmex 1920
coruwmfus 1920
coruwmmm 1920
coruwmoho 1920
coruwms 1920
armacsub 1920
armbsub 1920
armscram 1920
armssub 1920
armsub 1920
armsubk 1920
armtsub 1920
coracsub 1920
corbsub 1920
corshark 1920
corsub 1920
armason 1920
armnsub 1920
armplat 1920
corfmkr 1920
corplat 1920
corssub 1920
armah 120
armanac 120
armch 120
armhcar 120
armlh 120
armmh 120
armsh 240
armthovr 120
corah 120
corch 120
corfh 120
corhcar 120
cormh 120
corsh 120
corsnap 120
corthovr 120
armamph 120
armcroc 1920
corseal 1920
coramph 1920

Name: advanced torpedo
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 720
armcom 1440
corcom 1440
armdecom 1440
cordecom 1440
talcom 1440
armatl 2880
armuwboost 2880
armuwcheat 2880
armuwes 2880
armuwfus 2880
armuwmex 2880
armuwmfus 2880
armuwmmm 2880
armuwmoho 2880
armuwms 2880
coratl 2880
coruwboost 2880
coruwcheat 2880
coruwes 2880
coruwfus 2880
coruwmex 2880
coruwmfus 2880
coruwmmm 2880
coruwmoho 2880
coruwms 2880
armacsub 2880
armbsub 2880
armscram 2880
armssub 2880
armsub 2880
armsubk 2880
armtsub 2880
coracsub 2880
corbsub 2880
corshark 2880
corsub 2880
armason 2880
armnsub 2880
armplat 2880
corfmkr 2880
corplat 2880
corssub 2880
armah 180
armanac 180
armch 180
armhcar 180
armlh 180
armmh 180
armsh 180
armthovr 180
corah 180
corch 180
corfh 180
corhcar 180
cormh 180
corsh 180
corsnap 180
corthovr 180
armamph 180
armcroc 2880
corseal 2880
coramph 2880

Name: advanced guided torpedo
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 320
armcom 640
corcom 640
armdecom 640
cordecom 640
talcom 640
armatl 1280
armuwboost 1280
armuwcheat 1280
armuwes 1280
armuwfus 1280
armuwmex 1280
armuwmfus 1280
armuwmmm 1280
armuwmoho 1280
armuwms 1280
coratl 1280
coruwboost 1280
coruwcheat 1280
coruwes 1280
coruwfus 1280
coruwmex 1280
coruwmfus 1280
coruwmmm 1280
coruwmoho 1280
coruwms 1280
armacsub 1280
armbsub 1280
armscram 1280
armssub 1280
armsub 1280
armsubk 1280
armtsub 1280
coracsub 1280
corbsub 1280
corshark 1280
corsub 1280
armason 1280
armnsub 1280
armplat 1280
corfmkr 1280
corplat 1280
corssub 1280
armah 80
armanac 80
armch 80
armhcar 80
armlh 80
armmh 80
armsh 80
armthovr 80
corah 80
corch 80
corfh 80
corhcar 80
cormh 80
corsh 80
corsnap 80
corthovr 80
armamph 80
armcroc 1280
corseal 1280
coramph 1280

Name: guided torpedo
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 360
armcom 720
corcom 720
armdecom 720
cordecom 720
talcom 720
armatl 1440
armuwboost 1440
armuwcheat 1440
armuwes 1440
armuwfus 1440
armuwmex 1440
armuwmfus 1440
armuwmmm 1440
armuwmoho 1440
armuwms 1440
coratl 1440
coruwboost 1440
coruwcheat 1440
coruwes 1440
coruwfus 1440
coruwmex 1440
coruwmfus 1440
coruwmmm 1440
coruwmoho 1440
coruwms 1440
armacsub 1440
armbsub 1440
armscram 1440
armssub 1440
armsub 1440
armsubk 1440
armtsub 1440
coracsub 1440
corbsub 1440
corshark 1440
corsub 1440
armason 1440
armnsub 1440
armplat 1440
corfmkr 1440
corplat 1440
corssub 1440
armah 90
armanac 90
armch 90
armhcar 90
armlh 90
armmh 90
armsh 90
armthovr 90
corah 90
corch 90
corfh 90
corhcar 90
cormh 90
corsh 90
corsnap 90
corthovr 90
armamph 90
armcroc 1440
corseal 1440
coramph 1440

Name: advanced guided torpedo
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 320
armcom 640
corcom 640
armdecom 640
cordecom 640
talcom 640
armatl 1280
armuwboost 1280
armuwcheat 1280
armuwes 1280
armuwfus 1280
armuwmex 1280
armuwmfus 1280
armuwmmm 1280
armuwmoho 1280
armuwms 1280
coratl 1280
coruwboost 1280
coruwcheat 1280
coruwes 1280
coruwfus 1280
coruwmex 1280
coruwmfus 1280
coruwmmm 1280
coruwmoho 1280
coruwms 1280
armacsub 1280
armbsub 1280
armscram 1280
armssub 1280
armsub 1280
armsubk 1280
armtsub 1280
coracsub 1280
corbsub 1280
corshark 1280
corsub 1280
armason 1280
armnsub 1280
armplat 1280
corfmkr 1280
corplat 1280
corssub 1280
armah 80
armanac 80
armch 80
armhcar 80
armlh 80
armmh 80
armsh 80
armthovr 80
corah 80
corch 80
corfh 80
corhcar 80
cormh 80
corsh 80
corsnap 80
corthovr 80
armamph 80
armcroc 1280
corseal 1280
coramph 1280

Name: torpedo launcher
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 160
armcom 320
corcom 320
armdecom 320
cordecom 320
talcom 320
armatl 640
armuwboost 640
armuwcheat 640
armuwes 640
armuwfus 640
armuwmex 640
armuwmfus 640
armuwmmm 640
armuwmoho 640
armuwms 640
coratl 640
coruwboost 640
coruwcheat 640
coruwes 640
coruwfus 640
coruwmex 640
coruwmfus 640
coruwmmm 640
coruwmoho 640
coruwms 640
armacsub 640
armbsub 640
armscram 640
armssub 640
armsub 640
armsubk 640
armtsub 640
coracsub 640
corbsub 640
corshark 640
corsub 640
armason 640
armnsub 640
armplat 640
corfmkr 640
corplat 640
corssub 640
armah 40
armanac 40
armch 40
armhcar 40
armlh 40
armmh 40
armsh 40
armthovr 40
corah 40
corch 40
corfh 40
corhcar 40
cormh 40
corsh 40
corsnap 40
corthovr 40
armamph 40
armcroc 640
corseal 640
coramph 640

Name: torpedo
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 480
armcom 960
corcom 960
armdecom 960
cordecom 960
talcom 960
armatl 1920
armuwboost 1920
armuwcheat 1920
armuwes 1920
armuwfus 1920
armuwmex 1920
armuwmfus 1920
armuwmmm 1920
armuwmoho 1920
armuwms 1920
coratl 1920
coruwboost 1920
coruwcheat 1920
coruwes 1920
coruwfus 1920
coruwmex 1920
coruwmfus 1920
coruwmmm 1920
coruwmoho 1920
coruwms 1920
armacsub 1920
armbsub 1920
armscram 1920
armssub 1920
armsub 1920
armsubk 1920
armtsub 1920
coracsub 1920
corbsub 1920
corshark 1920
corsub 1920
armason 1920
armnsub 1920
armplat 1920
corfmkr 1920
corplat 1920
corssub 1920
armah 120
armanac 120
armch 120
armhcar 120
armlh 120
armmh 120
armsh 240
armthovr 120
corah 120
corch 120
corfh 120
corhcar 120
cormh 120
corsh 120
corsnap 120
corthovr 120
armamph 120
armcroc 1920
corseal 1920
coramph 1920

Name: torpedo launcher
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 480
armcom 960
corcom 960
armdecom 960
cordecom 960
talcom 960
armatl 1920
armuwboost 1920
armuwcheat 1920
armuwes 1920
armuwfus 1920
armuwmex 1920
armuwmfus 1920
armuwmmm 1920
armuwmoho 1920
armuwms 1920
coratl 1920
coruwboost 1920
coruwcheat 1920
coruwes 1920
coruwfus 1920
coruwmex 1920
coruwmfus 1920
coruwmmm 1920
coruwmoho 1920
coruwms 1920
armacsub 1920
armbsub 1920
armscram 1920
armssub 1920
armsub 1920
armsubk 1920
armtsub 1920
coracsub 1920
corbsub 1920
corshark 1920
corsub 1920
armason 1920
armnsub 1920
armplat 1920
corfmkr 1920
corplat 1920
corssub 1920
armah 120
armanac 120
armch 120
armhcar 120
armlh 120
armmh 120
armsh 240
armthovr 120
corah 120
corch 120
corfh 120
corhcar 120
cormh 120
corsh 120
corsnap 120
corthovr 120
armamph 120
armcroc 1920
corseal 1920
coramph 1920

Name: torpedo launcher
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 640
armcom 1280
corcom 128
armdecom 128
cordecom 1280
talcom 1280
armatl 2560
armuwboost 2560
armuwcheat 2560
armuwes 2560
armuwfus 2560
armuwmex 2560
armuwmfus 2560
armuwmmm 2560
armuwmoho 2560
armuwms 2560
coratl 2560
coruwboost 2560
coruwcheat 2560
coruwes 2560
coruwfus 2560
coruwmex 2560
coruwmfus 2560
coruwmmm 2560
coruwmoho 2560
coruwms 2560
armacsub 2560
armbsub 2560
armscram 2560
armssub 2560
armsub 2560
armsubk 2560
armtsub 2560
coracsub 2560
corbsub 2560
corshark 2560
corsub 2560
armason 2560
armnsub 2560
armplat 2560
corfmkr 2560
corplat 2560
corssub 2560
armah 160
armanac 160
armch 160
armhcar 160
armlh 160
armmh 160
armsh 160
armthovr 160
corah 160
corch 160
corfh 160
corhcar 160
cormh 160
corsh 160
corsnap 160
corthovr 160
armamph 160
armcroc 2560
corseal 2560
coramph 2560

Name: guided torpedo
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 640
armcom 1280
corcom 1280
armdecom 1280
cordecom 1280
talcom 1280
armatl 2560
armuwboost 2560
armuwcheat 2560
armuwes 2560
armuwfus 2560
armuwmex 2560
armuwmfus 2560
armuwmmm 2560
armuwmoho 2560
armuwms 2560
coratl 2560
coruwboost 2560
coruwcheat 2560
coruwes 2560
coruwfus 2560
coruwmex 2560
coruwmfus 2560
coruwmmm 2560
coruwmoho 2560
coruwms 2560
armacsub 2560
armbsub 2560
armscram 2560
armssub 2560
armsub 2560
armsubk 2560
armtsub 2560
coracsub 2560
corbsub 2560
corshark 2560
corsub 2560
armason 2560
armnsub 2560
armplat 2560
corfmkr 2560
corplat 2560
corssub 2560
armah 160
armanac 160
armch 160
armhcar 160
armlh 160
armmh 160
armsh 160
armthovr 160
corah 160
corch 160
corfh 160
corhcar 160
cormh 160
corsh 160
corsnap 160
corthovr 160
armamph 160
armcroc 2560
corseal 2560
coramph 2560

Name: advanced guided torpedo
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 480
armcom 120
corcom 120
armdecom 120
cordecom 120
talcom 120

Name: small building
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 120
armcom 30
corcom 30
armdecom 30
cordecom 30
talcom 30

Name: small building
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 640
armcom 160
corcom 160
armdecom 160
cordecom 160
talcom 160

Name: medium building
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 160
armcom 40
corcom 40
armdecom 40
cordecom 40
talcom 40

Name: medium building
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 960
armcom 240
corcom 240
armdecom 240
cordecom 240
talcom 240

Name: large building
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 240
armcom 60
corcom 60
armdecom 60
cordecom 60
talcom 60

Name: large building
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 1600
armcom 400
corcom 400
armdecom 400
cordecom 400
talcom 400

Name: small building
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 800
armcom 200
corcom 200
armdecom 200
cordecom 200
talcom 200

Name: small building
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 240
armcom 60
corcom 60
armdecom 60
cordecom 60
talcom 60

Name: small tank
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 60
armcom 15
corcom 15
armdecom 15
cordecom 15
talcom 15

Name: small tank
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 320
armcom 80
corcom 80
armdecom 80
cordecom 80
talcom 80

Name: medium unit
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 480
armcom 120
corcom 120
armdecom 120
cordecom 120
talcom 120

Name: big kbot
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 120
armcom 30
corcom 30
armdecom 30
cordecom 30
talcom 30

Name: big kbot
Line of Sight:

Type Damage
default 240

Name: starburst missile
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 90

Name: heavy rockets
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 200

Name: heavy rockets
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 400

Name: mrls heavy rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 480

Name: heavy rockets
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 360

Name: heavy guided rockets
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 600

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 750

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1000

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1200

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1000

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 1200

Name: rocket
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 2000
armcom 500
corcom 500
armdecom 500
cordecom 500
talcom 500

Name: sniper weapon
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0

Name: gate
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0
armnomad_fact 30000

Name: muat_unload
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 400
corssub_surface 2400
armnsub_surface 2400

Name: huh
Line of Sight: 1

Type Damage
default 0
corssub_surface 14670
armnsub_surface 29340

Name: stomp crush
Line of Sight: 1